The lover similar movies, Лучшие фильмы, похожие на Любовник () -

The lover similar movies

Anna Anna. Актёры просто супер! There are two weeks before the meeting with the mother.

Tatyana Eliseeva. Ekaterina Dobrovolskaya. Фильм понравился. Musya Velyurkina. Alexey Trefilov. Nikolay Nikolaev. Этот фильм лет назад нужно было показывать в школе девочкам, чтобы наивными не были такими. Elena Khizhnyak. Николай , но тут дело не только в наивности. Ребёнку некуда было деваться. Даже родная мать просто бросила на улице. Всё начинается с родителей.

Show all comments. Tommy Jeans. Kseniia Reatequi. Кошмарный фильм но он правдивый и от этого еще страшнее Это не страшилки про вампиров Ekaterina Dotsenko. Lilia Bogomolova.

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Ayna Lazurtseva. Фильм очень классный. Обязательно покажу его дочери, когда подрастёт. Alexey Malinkin. Anzhelika Kozhevnikova. Люблю драмы! Так же понравился фильм " волчок" и " чужая мать" жизненно. Marusya Klimova. Анжелика , Ещё жизнь. Svetlana Gorokhova. Фильм очень хороший. Актриса супер! Трудный да но идет как предостережение всем таким девочкам.

Lyudka Nezabudka. Актёры просто супер! Roman Shvelidze. Купи меня. Не благодарите. Dmitry Zakharov. Роман , Сибирь монамур ещё бы я добавил. Rodnye Close relations. Estonia, Germany, Ukraine, Latvia, Russian, English. A film about modern Europe. About its two edges, or, more correctly, extremes.

About Europe, which begins in the deserted space of Russian Siberia and ends on the cozy beaches of the Bay of Biscay, where even the laws of nature form fundamentally different styles of human existence. What can unite such different lives? Physically, they are united by the Western Siberia—Western Europe gas pipeline. Everyday life of a mobile blood transfusion station in Russia. According to a drunk, middle-aged woman who always wanted to be an actress, "Happiness is when someone understands you, when someone loves you.

Director Alexander Rastorguev follows the tragicomic couple during their summer holiday by the sea. But he also directs his camera at other seaside visitors, like the man earning a living on the beach with a camel, a young womaniser, and a dwarf getting married to a young woman. They are all spending the summer on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. Rastorguev observes man in all of his manifestations: fat, thin, young, old, drunk, dancing, singing, having sex and bathing in mud or in the sea.

Even President Putin makes an appearance, clad in casual clothes. Quite a few fortune-seekers at the resort get caught up in a daily carrousel of sex, booze and aggression.

The lover similar movies

When a corpse washes ashore, several people say they would also like to drown in the sea. It is no surprise that the soundtrack repeatedly plays a song of longing, about a small boat all alone at sea: "What is it looking for so far from home? Not happiness, but a typhoon. Wild Wild Beach. Full version. Not far from Grozny, an old steam locomotive with several wagons attached to it stands on a siding.

The locomotive provides steam, hot water in the boilers, and a bathhouse is equipped in the cars, where soldiers and officers wash and wash their linen. Maundy Thursday. Black dust, shrill metallic noises, dark tunnels, muscular bodies — all that is the past. At the end of , extraction of coal throughout Germany came to an end.

Against the backdrop of these media and socio-political events, the film follows five miners on their tragic, humorous and heartwarming search for a new role in life. Once we were pitmen. In this large family, everyone yearns for sex, both teenagers and adults. Inna is about 50, she is a well-known midwife and specialist in gentle births. Despite all the achievements, Inna feels unhappy, she recently divorced. After a difficult divorce, four children support their mother until one day a mysterious lover appears who invites her on a journey.

Shot on 16mm, Transnistra follows a group of young people as they move from a carefree summer through an unforgiving winter in the self-proclaimed state of Transnistria. At the forefront is Tanya, a headstrong young woman who spends her time with young men who all seem to be in love with her. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the fish processing collective was destroyed. There is no electricity on the island, no work, no doctors, no police.

Ivan has only one job opportunity - illegal fishing. He has no choice - he will either catch sturgeon or starve. Anna lived in the city, but fell in love with Ivan and chose the harsh life on the island.

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Anna and Ivan want their children to have a better life elsewhere, but their son has already started going to sea.

Capitalistic monopolies of US inspirators of aggression policy US stronghold of colonial enslavement and colonial wars Monopolies feed fascism on American soil Democracy in US hypocritical coverup for absolute rule of capital Myth of high standards of living for all social classes in US Myth of universal equality and equal opportunities for everyone in US Degeneration of American culture Decay of cinematography in US Corrupt American press Crime in US The phrase also meant to emphasize the "imminent collapse of capitalism", although in the end it was the Soviet Union that collapsed.

In mid, after tensions rose between the U. Seventy-eight percent of Russians polled said the United States meddles "a great deal" or "a fair amount" in Russian politics, compared to 69 percent of Americans who say the same about Russian interference in U.

The poll found that 31 percent of Russians said Moscow tried to influence U. Only 31 percent of Americans say they hold a positive view of Russia, and 24 percent of Russians say the same of the United States. Eighty-one percent of Russians said they felt the United States was working to undermine Russia on the world stage; 77 percent of Americans said the same of Russia.

Survey results published by the Levada-Center indicate that, as of August , Russians increasingly viewed the United States positively following the Russia—U. After the color revolutions of the s took place in former Soviet states with tacit support of the US, the political climate and processes in Russia have intensified as well. Those revolutions were perceived extremely negatively in Moscow. According to Russian media especially major federal TV networks , the current Russian opposition has strong ties to the US and its allies.

Furthermore, many government channels systematically broadcast documentaries, TV programs and journalistic researches, which claim that many opposition leaders are directly funded and supported by the US government, with an ultimate goal to destabilize the political and constitutional order in Russia. Accusations have intensified during and after Russian legislative election , as well as Russian presidential election , which resulted in — Russian protests by the opposition.

In , the major Russian national TV network NTV , created a series of documentaries called Anatomy of Protest rus: Анатомия протеста claiming that — Russian protests , organized by the opposition leaders, were carefully watched and influenced by some Western nations and the US in particular.

Some Russian officials interviewed in the film openly state that the US is actively working on bringing extremist groups to power in Russia, which would allow it to discredit Russia on the global stage and even to justify a military strike on the country.

The lover similar movies

On November 19, , two members of the U. Congress said the United States should cease to recognize Vladimir Putin as president of Russia after ; the Kremlin denounced it as an attempt to meddle in its domestic affairs.

In July , the Russian foreign agent law was introduced. It requires nonprofit organizations that receive foreign donations and engage in "political activity" to be labeled as "foreign agents", which carries, in Russian, strong associations with Cold War -era espionage. According to officials, some activities conducted by the organization were hostile and undermined Russian sovereignty. In May , the Russian undesirable organizations law was introduced.

Russian prosecutors are able to target foreign groups whose "undesirable activities" are deemed to threaten "state security" or the "basic values of the Russian state".

The lover similar movies

Given a notice from the prosecutors, such organizations have to disband. Violators face fines or prison terms of up to six years. People cooperating with such entities are subject to fines and can be banned from entering Russia. But if a company suddenly starts causing a lot of trouble, starts acting arrogantly and impudently, then in theory it could fall under the list of undesirable organizations.

MacArthur Foundation.

The lover similar movies

The following views and theories are common in Russian mainstream national media. Some of them are voiced by top government officials and supported by major Russian think tanks and academia :.

According to some popular Russian political writers and scientists, there is a centuries-long geopolitical standoff between Russia and the Western nations, especially with the Anglo-Saxon states such as the US and the UK, which have been openly and covertly working on destroying Russia by any means since the times of the Great Game.

There are some political writers, active and retired military officers as well as other public figures in Russia, who openly claim that war with the US or the NATO is imminent. Many Russian top government officials and experts believe that the US will or has already conducted acts of non-conventional warfare against Russia. In modern Russia, there is a common and widespread notion that Western nations especially the US and UK have been and still are actively engaged in an information assault on Russia.

Many public figures openly state that the West is using a wide range of means to discredit the nation on a global stage. Proponents of this view include: Top government officials.

The imminent disintegration of the United States is a widespread belief in Russia since the Bolshevik takeover in According to the theory, the United States is torn by deep controversies in politics, economy, ethnic relations and overall society.

This theory gained high popularity after the state petitions for secession. According to many, the terror attacks were well planned and conducted by the US to justify the wars for oil in the Middle East.

The plan was first published in Russia shortly after the dissolution of the USSR and was often quoted by prominent Russian politicians, journalists and writers.

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However, some Russian political scientists and writers strongly believe that the main purpose of the project was to develop psychological and other means of influence over the Soviet people.