Gossip girl hd

Gossip girl hd

Dan and Nate realize they both still have feelings for Serena. In her efforts to save Julien from a vicious smear campaign, Zoya puts her own future at risk. Devastated by the state of her relationship with Nate and still dealing with the guilt from a recent indiscretion, Blair puts on a happy face for her 17th birthday party and attempts to hide the truth from her friends.

In the wake of the scandalous Kiss on the Lips party, Serena receives an ice-cold reception from her best friend, Blair, who reveals that she knows Serena slept with her boyfriend, Nate, before mysteriously running off to boarding school. And Jenny seeks advice from Blair, who realizes she may have something to gain by allowing Jenny into her inner circle.

Dan has his heart -- and future -- set on serving in the coveted usher position for the Dartmouth representative. And Rufus must swallow his pride and ask Lily for a favor to help his son, Dan. Blair is thrilled when her mother chooses her to be the new face of her clothing line.

HD * Gossip Girl 5x13 - End of Blair and Louie's Wedding Party

Meanwhile, Serena and Dan are reminded once again that they come from two very different worlds. Dan makes elaborate plans to impress Serena on their first official date.

Gossip Girl (HBO Max) Teaser Trailer HD

On the same night, Jenny is invited to the infamous Blair Waldorf sleepover and finds herself in a high-stakes game of Truth or Dare. At her infamous masked ball, Blair sends Nate on a scavenger hunt, but he is still distracted by his feelings for Serena.

Gossip Girl

Although Blair makes it perfectly clear that outsiders are not welcome, a disguised Jenny and Dan sneak into the ball. Devastated by the state of her relationship with Nate and still dealing with the guilt from a recent indiscretion, Blair puts on a happy face for her 17th birthday party and attempts to hide the truth from her friends.

Nate marks the holiday with his mom and dad, but their awkward dinner quickly goes from bad to worse. Unfortunately, CeCe does not find Dan to be the "suitable escort" she had in mind for Serena, and makes her opinion heard loud and clear, causing a riff between Serena and Dan.

Blair and Nate, now officially broken up, decide to go to the ball together as friends; however, Nate becomes jealous when he begins to suspect that Blair may already be seeing someone else.

Gossip Girl(2007)

And Rufus finally learns the real reason Lily broke up with him all those years ago. Meanwhile, Rufus is worried about Dan and decides to take matters into his own hands.

Gossip Girl season 6 bloopers

Dan finds himself torn between his feelings for Serena and Vanessa. Blair is caught off-guard — and not in a good way — by a surprise guest at her birthday party. Dan and Nate realize they both still have feelings for Serena.

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Chuck hosts a "Saints and Sinners" masquerade party at the Empire Hotel. Blair is ecstatic to land an internship at W magazine, but the thrill quickly fades when she finds out that Dan has secured one of the coveted positions as well. Blair decides to speed up the time table on her career path to becoming a powerful woman, but ultimately stretches herself too thin.

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Law, Lost, Matchstick Men , come into town to support her and be part of a Taschen photo shoot on "modern royalty" in which the Rhodes family is participating.